About Us

Who We Are

At Silent Rhythms, we believe that dance and the arts have the power to change lives and create a better world. However, too many people around the world have limited access to learn and participate in creative expression through art and dance, especially people with disabilities.

A group of people dancing at Salsa in the Park. Dancers are partnered, with one pair joining their hands and smiling while another spins nearby.

What We Do

Since 2008, our mission has sought to bring people of all backgrounds, with and without disabilities, together to strengthen community and embrace diversity through dance. Our purpose has since grown to promote the inclusion of marginalized communities to all manner of arts and recreational activities.

Kerry, Executive Director of Silent Rhythms, is surrounded by a group of Boston Ballet students in two rows. Miles, Kerry’s black lab guide dog, is standing to her right wearing his harness. Kerry and all the students are signing DANCE and smiling at the camera.

How We Work

Silent Rhythms was initially established to create accessible dance opportunities for people who are Deaf, DeafBlind, or Blind/Low-Vision. We create an inclusive learning environment at our events by adapting our teaching methods to the needs of the disability community and by breaking down communication barriers. American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters are provided for all of our events, and some include introductory ASL lessons.

Kerry’s salsa class stands in a circle holding hands in front of the “Embrace” statue at The Boston Commons. She is signing to the group wearing a clear mask with an interpreter doing ProTactile on her back.

Meet the Team

Kerry and her guide dog Miles, a black lab, smile at the camera. They are standing in the upper area of an auditorium at the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.

In American Sign Language (ASL):
The ASL fingerspelling of each letter in Kerry.

In Braille:
The Braille dots of each letter in Kerry starting with a capital K.

A picture of Miles, Kerry’s guide dog, sitting in the sunshine at the tennis court. Miles is a black lab with brown eyes.

In American Sign Language (ASL):
The ASL fingerspelling of each letter in Miles.

In Braille:
The Braille dots of each letter in Miles starting with a capital M.

Sponsor inclusiveness in dance and the arts.